А еще попробовала себя в 4 задании УЧ по демоверсии. Выставляю на суд. Появились следующие вопросы: 1) Во вступлении употребила слова discuss, но теперь сомневаюсь: дискуссии-то никакой нет. Может лучше tell? 2) В описании эмоции являются ли относящимися к теме проекта? А если нет, то кроме книга/планшет и библиотека/дом я ничего не вижу. При этом location, если вдуматься, тоже не совсем-то по теме. Разве в библиотеке мы не пользуемся телефонами/планшетами/компьютерами? 3) Переход «These pictures are quite different» откровенно говоря кажется дурацким. Но ничего умнее на ум не приходит (вернее приходит, но у нас есть еще лимит по времени) 4) Надо advantages и disadvantages на каждую картинку давать? Т.е 4 фразы или все-таки можно, например, достоинства бумаги и недостатки e-book? Вступление с обращением к другу. Hello, Mark. I found some pictures for our project “Life without gadgets” and I would like to discuss them with you. Give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the project in each photo minimum) In the first picture we can see a girl, who is standing most probably in a library and holding a paper book. She is beaming and looks quite happy. The second picture shows a girl who is sitting on the sofa in her flat with an e-reader in her hands. She is also smiling. Say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject of the project in each photo minimum) These pictures are quite different. The most obvious difference is that these girls have chosen different sources of information (traditional paper book and electronic one). Moreover, the first girl had to go to the library, which might have taken some time, whereas the girl in the second picture is reading in a comfort of her own flat. Mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two types of books Both types of books have certain advantages and disadvantages. For instance, paper books can be really expensive. Moreover, some books can be difficult to find, even in a library. On the other hands, many e-books can be easily stored on one gadget, which is more convenient for work, but making notes in them can be a challenge. Explain how these photos illustrates the project “Life without gadgets” I consider these two pictures perfect for our project. The first one emphasizes that there are still some areas where old-fashion gadget-free methods are still in use. However, the second picture can be used to argue that for younger generation life without gadget is already unthinkable. Express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you would like to live without gadgets and why yes or no. Personally, I prefer e-books. I believe that they help me to save time on going to libraries or shops. Moreover, browsing in an e-book is much easier and faster than looking for certain information in a traditional paper book. Завершающая фраза That’s all that I wanted to discuss with you. #egexpert_speaking

Теги других блогов: задание 4 демоверсия УЧ