Дорогие коллеги, здравствуйте! Попробовали задание 40.1 с учеником. Пожалуйста, прокомментируйте, насколько это сейчас возможно и отметьте слабые стороны. Буду благодарна любой критике. И ещё несколько вопросов: 1. Нужно ли в третьем параграфе, помимо сравнения процентов, раскрывать возможные причины данных/объяснять выбор подростков? 2. Стоит ли в заключении ещё раз указывать данные таблицы/графика (это больше всего, это меньше и и.д)? The project work is devoted to teenagers’ preferences in reading different book genres. The presented table shows the results of a survey in which adolescents were asked about their favourite book genres. The results show that a vast majority of the participants, that is more than fifty-five percent, express their preference for adventure books and detective, war and spy stories, whereas the lowest percentage, that is less than twenty percent is found among love stories readers. The survey has also shown that almost thirty percent of respondents mentioned stories about sport and animals as their favourite. It is worth mentioning, that there is little difference between numbers of readers of adventure books and detective, war and spy stories. This can be explained by the fact that people in their teens are eager to escape reality, explore something new and solve mysteries. Surprisingly, romance books have been chosen only by seventeen point six percent of the surveyed, which is almost three times less than adventure stories. Nevertheless, it is evident from the table that the respondents choose only entertainment books to read, which is one of the main problems with reading nowadays. In order to avoid this problem, it is crucial both for teachers and parents to encourage teenage girls and boys to read classical literature, thus not only to have fun but also to learn and to think about eternal values of humanity, such as love, friendship and moral ethics. In conclusion, I would like to emphasise that reading is an essential part of a meaningful human life. Moreover, I am strongly convinced that to be an intellectually and emotionally developed person, one should thoroughly select books for reading. #egexpert_tables_diagrams

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