Уважаемые коллеги, мы с ученицей попробовали выполнить задание 40.2. Будем очень благодарны вам за ваши комментарии и замечания. Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. More and more modern people are starting to use their mobiles for a range of different purposes, which is reflected in the data I have gathered for my project the aim of which is to explore what people use their smartphones for. As the diagram illustrates, 79% of the respondents use their cell phones to exchange emails. At the same time, less than a fifth of the participants prefer paying for purchases via their mobile phones. Although an overwhelming majority of people use their smartphones for sending emails and making phone calls, sending emails is still a more popular way of using mobiles. Comparing less popular ways of using mobiles we may conclude that people opt to play games on their smartphones rather than use them for paying for goods. Based on the data analysis, we may detect a certain problem. According to the diagram almost half of the respondents use their mobile phones for playing games and surfing the Internet (48% and 58% respectively), which can lead to compulsive using of smartphones. One of the ways of solving this problem can be raising public awareness of mobile addiction through TV advertising campaigns. To sum everything up, we cannot deny that smartphones have a sizeable impact on our society as they play a significant role in our daily lives, which is clearly indicated by the data from my project. #egexpert_tables_diagrams

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