🔎 Что такое — CLIL? CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning или предметно-языковое интегрированное обучение). Ключевые принципы подхода предметно-языкового интегрированного обучения базируются на двух основных понятиях – «язык» и «интеграция». CLIL условно делят на hard CLIL и soft CLIL. Hard CLIL означает, что любой школьный предмет может проходить на английском языке (при условии, что он является L2 для учащихся). В ходе такого урока ученики исследуют географию, литературу, биологию, физику или даже спортивные игры посредством иностранного языка. Преподаватели английского языка используют soft CLIL, их задача состоит в обратном: изучить иностранный язык используя темы и материалы из других предметов. 📘 The CLIL Resource Pack. Photocopiable and Interactive Whiteboard activities for Primary and Lower Secondary Teachers. Margaret Grieveson, Wendy Superfine (2012) The CLIL Resource Pack offers teachers a bank of over 120 motivating activities for the CLIL classroom. The Pack consists of a Photocopiable Resource Book and accompanying IWB (Interactive Whiteboard) software as well as over 60 songs, chants, poems and dialogues to enliven the classroom. The materials have been written for use with Primary and Lower Secondary aged pupils.The CLIL Resource Pack is divided into 10 units covering topics such as Life Cycles, Food, Living Things, Forces and Motion, Weather and Water with cross curricular links to Science, Geography, ICT, Art and Craft, Music, Physical Education and English Literature. Each unit contains 6 lessons which are appropriate for different levels of ability.The CLIL Resource Pack includes a wide range of CLIL activities and worksheets, all supported by extensive Teacher's notes plus extension activity ideas. The accompanying IWB CD is an effective teaching tool for bringing topics to life in the classroom through a variety of materials including games, songs, activities, images and audio passages. Also provided is a bank of web addresses which can be accessed directly from the IWB by clicking on the link.Key features:- each activity is simple to prepare, easy to adapt to individual classroom needs and motivating for young learners- each activity can be covered in one lesson- each activity focuses not only on cross curricular content, but also on functions, structures and vocabulary areas- each activity highlights lexical areas in a pre-activity warm up slot- each activity is supplemented with web links for sourcing further information and ideas